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The semaphore manufacturer is talking about a maze of traffic lights
The traffic light manufacturer reminds us that traffic lights are more traffic lights. "so many traffic lights, it looks like a maze." On March 30, Mr. Ma, a citizen, drove to the intersection of dongfeng road and long river road to wait for the signal. "The right turn of the vehicle is not bound by the signal, and now the right side of the lane is set with a signal lamp. If you turn right, the green light on both sides of the lane will collide with the citizens.
At about 2 p.m., the four lights on the main track are now on duty at the intersection of dongfenglu and changhe road, and the 16 traffic lights on the sidewalk have not yet been used. At the southeast corner of the intersection, a signal lamp was installed on both sides of the perimeter of the safe island. In addition, the east-west direction and the southward sidewalk also equipped a western, facing north - facing signal. At the other three safe islands, four lights were installed and 20 orange-colored lights were installed, making the whole intersection seem too confusing.
"I'm used to the signal lamp, the Russian device is new, and the color has changed a little bit, a little bit not used to it." Mr. Wang said that when he came to work today, he saw the light of the new device on the sidewalk, and he felt he was entering the "bullet point monitoring section." "I don't know which signal to watch. I don't know how to walk."
According to dezhou city traffic police detachment staff of the division of science and technology, a new device of street lamp to Texas "part of intelligent transportation", now, as long as the mid and long river road intersection, dongfeng road and device of intelligent light compro road crossing. "After the background is perfected, smart signal light can realize regional active conditioning." Two smart signals from the device are now being tested only for samples, the staff said.
"Because of the intersection safety island, so in each security set up two sets of lights on the island, four safety island eight groups, coupled with the backbone road 4, a total of 20 lights, no other safety island road, will be cut." The staff members introduced that when the public passes the intersection, pedestrians abide by the pedestrian traffic signal, the driver of the motor vehicle strictly abide by the traffic light. "After the trial run, most of the roads in Texas will be replaced with smart lights."